Handelsnaam i Wane/Louro vermelho
Botanische naam i Sextonia rubra (= Ocotea rubra)
Andere namen i Louro gamela, louro vermelho, canela, grignon franc, grignon rouge, red louro, determa, wane, wana, wanoe, bewana
Algemene gegevens

Keurmerken waarmee hout leverbaar is i

Groeigebied i Brazilië, Frans Guyana, Guyana, Suriname

Houtvademecum Nr i 224

  • Wangaard, F.F. e.a., 1949-1955. Properties and uses of tropical woods I t/m V (Tropical woods No. 95, 97, 98, 99 and 103). Forest Products Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.
  • CIRAD. 2003. TROPIX 5.0 – Technological characteristics of 215 tropical species. Paris, CIRAD Forestry Department.